Fed up of mum guilt & feeling exhausted by doing everything for everyone else all the time?

You can feel calm and in control of your emotions.
I know what it’s like. You’re fed up feeling rubbish, snapping at your kids and then beating yourself up because that’s who you want to be, rushing from one thing to the next but not feeling like you’re achieving anything, trying to keep everyone happy so you can’t say no, and to top it all off, you don’t know who you are anymore.
It’s exhausting!
You’re constantly on the go, juggling all the plates going from one thing to another, always under pressure, always looking after everyone else.
You never have enough time to fit everything in. Let alone the headspace or the energy to do your own thing…
When you’re with your kids, you’re thinking about work. When you’re at work, you’re thinking about your kids.
You feel like you’re not doing any of it well. And it makes you feel like shit.
You just don’t have time to fit it all in! The washing, the school run, cooking healthy meals that everyone actually wants to eat, exercising more, walking the dog,
spending more time with your partner, seeing some friends, serving your clients and growing your business.
You’re trying to do everything for everyone
– everyone except you.
You’re knackered. Surely there must be a better way…
I’ve got you!
Right now, it feels like you’re doing everything badly. You want to feel less wrung out and emotional all the time.
You want more confidence. You want to put yourself out there more. To be the real you, not just the one that wears the mask. You want to be able to give time to
your business and to your kids. To not feel held back any more.
I can help you.
You don’t need any big changes in your life. Just a bit of headspace and some time to understand what’s happening up there. So you can be
more deliberate – and build a life you love.
Start by having a simple chat with me, and let’s get you sorted…
Hello! I’m Nicky, the loving, no-bullshit life coach,
specialising in emotional resilience.
I used to live life in your shoes. Until I learned how to
work with my emotions, rather than letting them control me and even my
interactions with my family and my business.
That experience changed
everything. For me and my loved ones. It transformed the way I live my
life. In a best way.
Now, I help working mums take a deep breath, step out of
overwhelm and thrive in a life they love.
Want to know more? Let’s chat…
Here’s my promise to you:
Make a commitment to help yourself by making time for a free Zoom chat with me, and I promise you’ll walk away from that call feeling calm, hopeful and excited by the possibilities of stepping into a more confident, in control you.
Within an hour, you’ll discover the root cause of your problem AND how to fix it – whether you choose to work with me or not.
I can help you understand how you can step away from all the insane busyness and jump off that relentless hamster wheel, for good.
You won’t be rushing around, always making lists (and lists of lists!), feeling stressed and under pressure every minute of day, feeling overly emotional and exhausted all the time, reaching for the wine and chocolate every evening – and then feeling rubbish and beating yourself up about that too…
I can help you stop being who you feel you should be – and embrace becoming who you want to be.
Let’s talk! At a time that’s convenient for you…
What have you got to lose? (And don’t tell me “60 whole minutes”!)
Book a FREE virtual consultation today. I promise you’ll feel completely different when we finish our first call.
Simply want some email inspiration for now?
No problem! Just pop your details below and I’ll send a little something to your inbox…
Don't take my word for it. Here's what my clients say...
“Well what can I say. I have just finished my 6 sessions with Nicky and just over 2 stone down already.
My mindset around food or anything in general has completely changed.
I can see myself in the future and I know now I can do it too.
Never felt this positive before knowing nobody else can do it only me.
Thankyou for getting me to finally understand me!
Can’t wait to see what the future holds!
10000% recommend”
“Sessions with Nicky are like catch ups with an old friend: you might laugh, you might cry and there is nothing too big or too small to talk about with her.
Nicky is so warm and welcoming – I never felt silly talking about anything and I always came away from every session with something I could apply in my life and something that will make a difference.
I feel like a different person on the inside and I now know how to manage some of my thoughts. It is like a breath of fresh air inside.
My friend once told me, ‘Everyone needs an hour with Nicky Bevan’ and it is so true. Give her an hour and let her show you how she can help you!”
“I am so pleased that I took the plunge and signed up to Nicky’s coaching sessions.
Initially I had seen how much it had benefited a friend and really wanted to make changes in my own life.
Nicky has helped me to completely change my thoughts about a variety of things which I felt were holding me back on a daily basis.
This change in mindset has given me the ability to help control my mind and the feelings associated with various situations.
I have really enjoyed the sessions and have been successful in setting goals to loose weight, regularly exercise and budget with finances.
Nicky is great to work with, her friendly manner made me feel relaxed and comfortable whilst we discussed a wide range of topics.
She really has made a huge difference to my life and I plan to continue to work with her for as long as possible.”